Conference | Events
IEEE ICTAS 2020 Conference (Durban, South Africa): 11-12 March 2020. Accepted Paper authored by Murire, O., Cilliers, L. & Chinyamurindi, W.T. Presented paper titled – “Challenge’s faced by employers when using social media for recruitment and selection purposes.”
5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (Wits University, South Africa): 16-17 March 2017. Presented a paper titled – “Why Does It Hurt So Bad?” Challenges and Resolution Tactics of Women Middle Managers In Corporate South Africa.
5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (Wits University, South Africa): 16-17 March 2017. Presented a poster titled – “Breaking The Glass Ceiling” – Perceptions & Experiences of Women Middle Managers in South Africa.
Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (Cape Town, South Africa): 15 – 18 November 2016. Presented a paper titled: “Publish or perish” – Cries of emerging researchers and their motives to publish in a predatory journal. In this paper I also illustrate value in using auto and institutional ethnography to understand the experiences of early career researchers including complex negotiations around power (specific to the individual and within the institution).
Radio Interviews
1.SAFM FM Interview (Podcast). Keeping faith in science
2.SAFM FM Interview (Podcast). Boasting connectivity in African universities
3.SAFM FM Interview (Podcast). How bad is youth unemployment?
4.SAFM FM Interview (Podcast). Youth unemployment in the Eastern Cape Province